Wednesday, October 17, 2012


     Since we are working together to help your child succeed in school, I am asking today for some help.I am having several kids come in daily to class with out their needed materials. They have come to class without homework, reading books, agendas etc.
     Without the needed materials, it makes doing school work difficult. As a parent myself, I realize there will be days that the kids forget things however what I am seeing, seems to be pattern of behavior. 
     If you wouldn't mind, I would ask that you check with your child every evening or morning to see their agenda, sign the agenda, check for homework and have them place it in the back pack along with the library/AR book. Establishing a routine will help the kids become independent which is our goal before next year ( or sooner !)   Together we can do great things! 

Wishing us continued success! 

Ms. Burnett

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