Tuesday, October 30, 2012

BELL CO. EXPO this weekend!!!

Discover The Dinosaurs Is Coming To The Expo!

Discover The Dinosaurs, a hands on exhibit including over 60 animatronic and museum quality dinosaurs replicas is coming to the EXPO! November 2,3, &4th. Kids and family are encouraged to get up close and touch some of the dinosaurs on display, an opportunity which isn't usually available in museum exhibits and other dinosaur events. This is the cornerstone of Discover the Dinosaurs. In addition to the exhibit, other activities included in admission price are the DINO DIG, DINO DEN PLAY AREA, SCAVENGER HUNT, AND DINO THEATER. *Several other attractions including gem & fossil panning, face painting, dinosaur inflatable, mini golf, and dino rides are available for additional charge.

November 2nd 12p-9p
November 3rd 10a-8p
November 4th 10a-7p

Adults 12yr+: $15
Children 2- 11yrs: $10
Over 65yrs: $10
Under 2yrs: FREE

SCIENCE ROCKS!!! Check this out!!

Mayborn Planetarium.  Sat, Nov 17 1-4P.  Learn all about rockets, where they were invented, what gives them thrust, how they blast off and how to build your own model rockets to take home!

Thursday, October 25, 2012

What an amazing day at Nolanville E S today!!! Science day was awesome! Ask your child about it!

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Want some opportunities to earn some extra credit for Social Studies? I have 2 ways. You can even do both!!! 
  1. Go to the voting booth with your parent, grandparent, and/ or guardian and VOTE!!
See the process in action and bring me back some proof that you went. For example, an " I voted" sticker, a note from the election folks, a piece of voting literature or write me a "how to " vote,  paper.

    2. Watch the election returns on November 6th. Watch the returns at least 30 mins. Have your parents write me a note verifying that you were watching the returns.

Early voting started today! so do what the Colonist wanted to do......speak up and have your say!

Monday, October 22, 2012

New AR goals have been set for this 9 weeks. With the nightly reading, we should be able to all make our goals and earn those prizes! AR reading of 25 mins. each night is the expectation. Thanks for your support.  Ms. B

Saturday, October 20, 2012

TEST FRIDAY: Social Studies

                                       STUDY GUIDE FOR CHAPTER 9 TEST IN SOCIAL STUDIES
Text pages 302-329

Know the following:
·      Know about Common Sense and after it was published what did the colonist want

·      Who was first to sign the Declaration of independence?

·      What was the Articles of Confederation?

·      Know what a loyalist, patriot, tori and pacifist were.

·      What was happening to the slaves during this time in history?

·      Who were the Quakers against?

·      Re- Read  about George Washington and his Continental Army.
             What were the conditions like?

·      Re-read about the Saratoga victory.

·      Who is Benedict Arnold?

·      Know about the Treaty of Paris

·      What women did to help the war effort.

·      Re-read the battle of Yorkrtown.

·      What did the French and Spanish in regards to the war?
Did they help? Were they part of the problem?

·      When / Where did the Declaration get signed.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012


     Since we are working together to help your child succeed in school, I am asking today for some help.I am having several kids come in daily to class with out their needed materials. They have come to class without homework, reading books, agendas etc.
     Without the needed materials, it makes doing school work difficult. As a parent myself, I realize there will be days that the kids forget things however what I am seeing, seems to be pattern of behavior. 
     If you wouldn't mind, I would ask that you check with your child every evening or morning to see their agenda, sign the agenda, check for homework and have them place it in the back pack along with the library/AR book. Establishing a routine will help the kids become independent which is our goal before next year ( or sooner !)   Together we can do great things! 

Wishing us continued success! 

Ms. Burnett

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

The end of the 9 weeks is Friday. Please make sure your child has their AR points and if they are eligible to do redo work, they need to have it completed by Friday! Thanks! MS. B

Sunday, October 14, 2012

    • 6:30pm until 9:00pm

  • Free and open to all

    Join a local, acclaimed astronomer as he navigates through the nighttime sky. Get an overview indoors of what to look for before venturing outside to observe the emerging winter constellations.

    Bring a blanket and/or lawn chair and binoculars to kick back with us. Stargazing is one of the most rewarding forms of relaxation you can experience...and it's free! Dress accordingly for an October evening.

    Instructor: Warren Hart, Resident Astronomer for the Mayborn Planetarium

    More info: 254-298-5403
2220 W Avenue D, Temple, Texas 76504-3959

Archeology for Kids @ Bell County Museum (Every Saturday thru October)
Public Event October 13 at 12:00pm until October 31 at 5:00pm

  • Belton, Texas 76513

  • Bring youngsters to the museum for an opportunity to conduct mock excavations in our archeology pits every Saturday in October! Members of the Texas Archeology Society will be on hand to assist. Also, on October 13th, living history interpreter Curtis Carter will be here. Curtis interprets the life of an 1860s Plains Indian. Finally, a guided tour of the Gault Site will be conducted October 20th. The Gault Site is a world-renowned archeological site right in our own backyard. Participants meet up at the museum and carpool to the site. Call us for more information on these fun and educational events

Sherry Burnett


Saturday, October 13, 2012

Forces Study guide
Unit 3
Test: 10.17.12

The students need to know:
·       Understand gravity
·       Being able to think about different forces experiments and what you would need, supply wise, to complete them.
·       Understanding equal force
·       Understanding pushing/pulling

Things they can use to study:
·       Purple flash cards
·       www.studyisland.com
·       Text book – section F
·       Google : You tube videos on Forces
·       Google: Any computer games you can find on force
·       Google: Any power points you can find on force
·       Science journals

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Just a reminder

  • Reading homework tonight
  • two vocabulary words- if the rest was done in class
  • SS test tomorrow

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Reading Homework

      Hello! I have started issuing reading homework for the kids, starting tonight. They have to read for 25 mins. Also, I  have given them a sheet to make connections with the reading..Even though, we are now reading at home, I need them to bring their AR book to school each day. Please check with your child before they leave the house to make sure that they have it.


                                                                                                                          Ms. Burnett

Sunday, October 7, 2012

The importance of reading...

Ajax Loading Image

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Next week....


Hope you've been enjoying this great Fall day! I've been busy planning for the week and grading papers. Just wanted to send you some information. Nightly reading homework will begin on Tuesday. Also, Ch. 8 Social Studies test will be on Friday!

Any questions? Please feel free to email me.


 Ms. Burnett

Friday, October 5, 2012

     Week in Review has been passed out again today. Please check your child's agenda. The expectation is to have it back to me the following Monday after it's been given. Thank you, Ms. Burnett

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Tuesday, October 2, 2012