Friday, March 22, 2013

Study Guide for Life Cycles test
Test is Thursday
3. 28.13

·      Know what makes a complete and incomplete life cycle.
( what the stages look like and the number of stages per each)

·      Know what happens in each stage in the metamorphosis either an incomplete or complete.

·      Know the difference between each stage.

·      You need to be able to read and comprehend information about a life cycle of an insect.

·      Know how to measure in Millimeters.

·      Be able to compare two different life cycles.

Good ideas for study materials in general

1.   Textbook- life science section
2.   Flash cards coming on Monday
3.   Journal
4.   You tube
5.   Teacher tube
7.   my blog
8.   study buddy
9.   google or bing the concepts

Sunday, March 3, 2013

 Just a few notes:

  • Science and Social Studies test is scheduled for Wednesday.Study guides have been given.
  • Field trip is this week. I am still missing permission slip from a few kids.
  • Pictures day is this week also.
  • Math day is coming up on Friday.
  • Early Dismissal on Friday.
  • End of the 9 weeks on Friday.
  • Grade book closing before then.