Thursday, January 26, 2012


Thank you to all the parents who came to hear our STAAR presentation tonight!
We appreciate your support! ~ Sherry

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Monday, January 16, 2012

S.Studies test on Thursday over Chapter 10!- Homeroom students ONLY!

WEDNESDAY!!! Test in Science

The test will be over weather, climate and the water cycle. Your child can study their book, flash cards, their journals, use their study guide, study island and can even research on their own, with your permission of course, on ,, and so on. Thank you for your help! Ms. B

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Water cycle raps!

Ask your child about the water cycle rap they wrote today! Very good stuff! I am asking to get it on to NESTv. Keep your fingers crossed!

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Study guide!!!

Weather, Climate and Water Cycle Study Guide

Week of January 17th-20th

• What does the water cycle look like? Could you draw it and label it?
• What the energy source of the water cycle?
• Know what terms are given in a typical weather report.

For example, the high and low temperature of the day, the humidity, wind speed, wind direction.

• Know the difference between weather and climate.( definition & plus remember key words)

• Be able to describe weather conditions.

For example: Is it raining today? Are the clouds out? Is the sun out? Is it cold?

• Be able to describe some climate conditions.

For example: In Phoenix, Arizona it is usually dry and hot in July.
In Lansing, Michigan, it is usually very cold in January.
Texas doesn’t usually get a lot of snow.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

AR goals- 2nd 9 weeks


Congratulations to Andrew, Dimitri, Preston, Raquan and Jacob for meeting their AR goals for the 2nd 9 weeks!

That is excellent! Please encourage your child to continue those great reading habits which will help them succeed in all subjects not only in reading class. I am very proud of you!:-)

Ms. Burnett

The kids have Science Homework TONIGHT!!! : )