Sunday, December 18, 2011



A big" thank you" is needed for you!!! Thanks for sending your child with party food or drinks! We had a great time. The kids seemed to have fun creating their gingerbread houses. Also, thank you for thinking of me. I received many wonderful,thoughtful gifts and I know in this economy, that especially means a lot to me ! I hope you have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
I'll be emailing you soon! Ms. Burnett

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Homework for the week

Sometimes there is unfinished work from class. Some class work will be allowed to be taken home and finished.
That is why it is so important to check those agendas daily.

The Sun, the Earth and the Moon

Extra credit work now due 12.12.11

Science test over the earth the sun and the moon : 12.13.11

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I am here for YOU!!

Fifth Grade
Peek of the Week:
Dec. 5th- 9th, 2011

Social Studies:

American Revolution cont’d

American Revolution packets are due FRIDAY!! 12.9.11
Specials schedule:

W- Music

Please check folders on Tuesdays for graded work.

No Science tutoring the remainder of the 2011 school year!

Study Guide

Study Guide for the Earth the Sun and the Moon
Test : 12. 13.11

Know what a rotation means, how long it takes and what one rotation creates.
Know how the earth gets light.
Know physical characteristics between the Earth , the Sun and the Moon.
Know how craters are formed on the Moon and the Earth.
Study tools?
• Text book
• Journal
• Flash cards
• Teacher tube
• My blogger for video ideas
• Google the Earth, the Sun and the Moon
• search ms.burnett
• Wikipedia the Earth, the Sun and the Moon


Social Studies American revolution packets are due 12.9.11

Earth, Moon and Sun facts

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Extra Credit hat day and Science test!!


After some more information, I have learned that the science test will need to be scheduled for 12.13.11. Also, the extra credit project has been moved up to Monday, Dec. 12th. Hope this new information helps. ~ Ms. Burnett

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Extra credit!!!

An Earth science extra credit project is on it's way! Check those folders and email boxes!!! ~ Sherry Burnett

Saturday, November 12, 2011

study guide for upcoming test!!!

Earth Changes Study Guide
1. Know how to measure with a graduated cylinder and compare liquids.
2. Know how to use a triple beam balance
3. Know what fossils tell us.
4. Know about how wind, water and ice change the land.
5. Know what type of rocks fossils are found in.
6. Know about Deltas.
7. Know how to measure something.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Tuesday Night- Information


Just a few reminders. Please check folders for graded papers. Also, if your child would like a Chalk Ridge t-shirt, money and orders are due on Friday!

Monday, October 31, 2011

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Tuesday folders


As we enter just a few weeks into the 2nd 9 weeks, please help me and your child by checking their folders on Tuesday. Another way to say informed about grades is to be on the Parent Connect system. With access, you are able to see your child's grade from the grade book. If you need help getting access, stop by our office or give them a call. They can help get you pointed in the right direction.
Earth Science has been historically tougher for kids so we just need to be proactive and study when possible.The kids have a text book, flash cards, a journal, study island access and much more.

Thanks for listening,

Thursday, October 27, 2011

THIS Saturday! 10.29.11

Science fun for the kids!

Where: UMHB
from: 9-12:00
cost: $5.00

Contact Dr. Watson for more details.
( Science Dept.)

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Tuesday, October 25, 2011



Just a heads up. Homework in science is coming tomorrow night. It was an assignment that they did with the sub. but grades weren't great. However, some will have a FREE pass! plus a prize from the witch's kettle. My thought is that many didn't take the assignment seriously. Instead of posting grades, I am allowing the kids to do the assignment over again. Those that don't have to do it, passed the first time. If you would like to verify with me if your child has to redo it or not, email me at and I'll let you know.
The assignment is from the book. They probably need to re-read pages C42-C47. Then, they need to do pg. C 47, 1-5 writing the answers only. They are worth 20 points a piece therefor they need to be careful in how they answer them.
I am a little disappointed. I expected the grades to be better.However, help me remind them that Earth science is more difficult and they need to prepared.
Thanks for your support and help.

Sherry Burnett

Friday, October 21, 2011

Study guide for sedimentary rocks, fossil fuels and alternative energy sources

-some of this information we will cover this coming week.......


Please know the following:

1. What does deposited mean?

2. What is the definition of sediment?

3. Know the steps of coal formation.

4. Know what solar energy looks like.

5. Know what hydroelectric energy is.

6. Know how sedimentary rocks are formed.

7. Know what wind energy looks like.

8. Know what Biofuel is.

9. Know the formation of fossil fuels and what they produce for us to use.

10. Know the day of the year that has the most sunshine.

11. Know how to read different graphs like a bar graph and a pie graph.

Next week

In Science , we will be discussing alternative energy sources. In Social Studies, we will be working on the Settlement of the South, Southern Colonies and Southern Cities.
We have Science Day on October 28th!!!

Monday, October 17, 2011

My bad!!

I have to add one more AR goal winner, Dimitri!!!Where was my head? That makes 5 out 18. We can make it to 1/2 by the next 9 weeks!!! Keep Reading!!! Prizes tomorrow!!

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Next week

We will be working on sedimentary rock formation and fossil fuels!!

Friday, October 14, 2011

AR- 1st 9 weeks goals!!!!

Well, thank yous are in order for Izzy, Britney, Jimmy, and Kierra. They were able to meet their AR goals for the 1st 9 weeks. AR is a great program because it is leveled to their needs and yet challenging plus rewards kids for great work! Reading is great practice for vocabulary and fluency and it helps all subjects, even math and science. Let's double the amount of kids for the next 9 weeks! I believe we can do it!

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Wednesday Night

My science kids have homework tonight. Friday is the end of the 1st weeks. We do have tests over Energy and Force.

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Force and Energy study guide


1.You need to know what you would use to build a circuit.

2. You need to know about reflection and refraction of light.

3. What is a closed circuit ? How is it made?

4. Know about Solar Energy

5. Hydroelectric power plants are use water for energy.

6. Know how to read a chart.

7. Know about energy safety.

8. What is electrical energy?

9. How does light shine through a convex and concave lens.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Look mom!!!

We're learning!!

My little scientist!!!

Next Friday!!!

We will take our Energy and Forces TEST NEXT week on Friday!!!
That Friday will the end of the nine weeks.

Your student can study their textbook, flashcards and journals!

We studied about Anne Hutchinson today in Social Studies. Ask your child about her!

The extra credit projects have come in and they look AWESOME!! I need to post a picture here.

Make sure your child is reading!!

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Homework was given tonight!!

Check with your child! Thanks! Friday is almost upon us!


Re-teaching Science lesson tomorrow. Hopefully grades will be better. Using the Active Expressions again.We are working on Electric Energy.Don't forget about the Science extra credit project.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011


We have Active Expressions lesson tomorrow in science. Ask your child what that is.
Also, just a heads up, we are heading to Chapter 5 in the Social Studies book.
(Next Week)

Email me if you need me!

Ms. Burnett

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Chapter 4 SS test TOMORROW!!

- plus United Way opportunity to wear your sports "stuff" for a good cause!! See ya ! Ms. Burnett

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Next week!!!

Energy work in science plus Plymouth colony and Chapter 4 test in Social Studies! Don't forget United Way campaign Wednesday, bring a dollar and wear your sports stuff!

Friday, September 23, 2011


Dear Parents,

I hope your weekend is off to a good start. I wanted to inform you that I have sent home many notes today in your child's agenda. Please check it.If you have any questions, email me and I will be happy to help.Also, in case you are looking for some extra help for your child in science, reading or even math, how about study island?
The web address is the kids have their user names and passwords. If they have forgotten them, I have them at home so shoot me an email and I will get it to you.I have a big science extra credit project coming soon- Dead Scientist!!!

Have a good weekend!!! : )

Ms. Burnett

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Thursday and looking forward to the weekend!!!

FRIDAY!!!! It is almost finally here!!! We have a Social Studies Chapter 4 test next week! Energy lessons ....coming up!!! Ask your kids about the Indian Corn pudding we sampled today!!! Bet they won't be asking for you to make that at home!!!!

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Social Studies Treat tomorrow!!!

Mrs. Schoenbeck and I will swap classes to show a piece of Jamestown history.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011


Tomorrow!!! is our Science Matter Test!!! I hope your child is studying their textbook, flashcards and journals. I did give them a study guide. Also, Impact Aid forms went home today. They are very important to Nolanville. I promised the kids an extra RECESS if they all bring their sheets back TOMORROW!!! Please make sure the forms are filled out accurately. Have a good night! Ms. B

Monday, September 19, 2011


Tomorrow we will review the matter information in the computer lab. Study Island is up and running!!!

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Science homework tonight!!!

Physical and chemical changes.....what is the difference?

study guide-Matter


Study Guide for Matter Test, Safety Test and Journaling.

Study the following and you should do great on your test.

1. Study the definition of dissolve.
2. Study the definition of buoyancy.
3. What are the states of matter?
4. Definition of mixtures and solutions.
5. How you can separate some mixtures and solutions?
6. What are insulators and conductors?
7. What is the boiling point and freezing point of water?
8. Be able to study and understand data from a chart.
9. Review textbook pgs. E 6-E 27.
10. Study your journal BUT bring it BACK to school!!!!
11. Study your flash cards .
12. And THINK!!! Take your time and breathe!

Wednesday, September 14, 2011


Science homework tomorrow. Ask your kids about the mixtures and solutions they ate today!